Age Care Technologies® Products

ACT® Tools

ACT® Tools help identify and respond to the needs of older people (ACT® Assess, ACT® Connect, ACT® Report), generating data for population needs assessment (ACT® Insight).

A lady cares for an aging man by helping him to eat a meal

ACT® Tools

ACT® Assess

A globally validated tool based on research since 1989 in over 50 countries which helps older people report their concerns and priorities for their health, independence and wellbeing.

ACT® Connect

ACT® Connect helps older people access information, products, and services through: 

  • Signposting to local services
  • Signposting to carer support services
  • Access to high-quality information resources
  • Access to age-friendly social networking platforms
  • Escalation protocols for professional intervention

ACT® Report

ACT® Report summarises the older person’s prioritised concerns and risks (ACT® Assess) and information for the older person to access support (ACT® Connect). It can be incorporated in health and care records, subject to the older person’s consent.

ACT® Insight

Extraction of de-identified data from use of ACT® tools for population analysis and benchmarking. 

How ACT® tools are used

ACT® Assess can be used independently to generate data for population needs assessment with ACT® Insight, but primarily to help older people report their concerns and access support. Combining the tools lets us extract the data to analyse population needs.

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Identify the target group of older people, for example by age, risk or post-code. Identify who will undertake the assessment.

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Train those who will undertake the assessment.

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Offer the assessment from a trusted source.

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Undertake the assessment by telephone, face-to-face or self-assessment.

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Connect the person to information, products and services.

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Provide the older person with a report with a summary of the assessment and how to access information, products, and services.

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Produce a report of the concerns, priorities, risks, quality of life and resource requirements for the local population benchmarked against a global data set.

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Evaluate the impact and benefits of the intervention.

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