
ACT products have been validated in over 100 peer-reviewed publications. View our validation studies below.

$Slug studies

EASYCare: Bridlington Project evaluation report.

Oviasu, O. and Macleod, A. (2016)

EASYCare: Bridlington Project evaluation report. Supportive care, Early diagnosis and Advanced Disease (SEDA) research group. 

EASYcare: a standardized assessment for individual needs in health and social care. 

[Anonymous] (2010)

Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, p. 143.

EASY-Care Self-Assessment UK National Demonstration Project. 

Philp, I. et al. (2012)

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60

Meeting the challenge of the annual health check. 

Philp, I. (1991)

Care of the Elderly, 3(9), p.404.

Review audit measures: quality of life instruments for everyday use with elderly patients. 

Fletcher, A. E. et al. (1992)

Age Ageing, 21(2), p.142-150.

Setting priorities for measures of performance for geriatric medical services. 

Roberts, H. et al. (1994)

Age Ageing, 23(2), pp.154-157.

Assessment of Well-being in Assessing Elderly People in Hospital and Community Care.

Philp, I. (1994)

Farrand Press: London (p 77-82)

Assessment in Hospital in Assessing Elderly People in Hospital and Community Care. 

Philp, I. (1994)

Farrand Press, London (p1-6)

Linkworking: Maximising the Potential of Health Checks for People Aged 75 and Over by Linking Them to Community Care.

Philp, I. et al. (1994)

Department of General Practice, Lisson Grove Health Centre, London. Ageing and Society, 14.

Community health assessment of the elderly – the national picture. 

Philp, I. and Dunleavey, J. (1994)

Health and Social Care in the Community, 2(2), pp.117-119.

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